ni keje ctzurairah, ucuk follow...
rules :)
1. You must post this rule
2. Each person must post 11 themselves in their journal
3. Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer
4. You have to choose eleven people to tagged and link them to the post
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6. No tag Back !
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAG IF YOU READING THIS" YOU LEGIMATELLY (a.k.a REALLY,TRUST,WITH ALL HONEST)have tagged 11 people.
11 facts about myself :)
1. Mulut super longkang…sangat2 laser
2. Even though I look tough, actually I really like to cry.
3. When I have problems, any kind. I eat for comfort
4. I hate to lose against man
5. Pendendam tahap mahadewa, I can forgive but I never forget.
6. Walaupun ucuk suka bercakap, ucuk lebih suka memerhati. I love learning body language.
7. I don’t like to talk about my family
8. I never think that I am a good person
9. Senang bercouple
10. Dreamt about having a husband before the age of 20 and having a baby by 21(ucuk suka berangan:P)
11. Tabiat buruk is sedawa sembrono
soalan soalan CTZURAIRAH:)
1. Kalau terjumpa jejaka / perempuan pujaan, ape yang korang akan buat ??
- Tenung lelama sampai putus urat mata
2. kaLau putus dengan kekasih, tetap akan jadi kawan atau buang je jauh2 ??
- op coz la member lagi, kebanyakkan nya camtu,sometimes boleh pau.
3. bagi 5 perkataan meLambangkan diri korang..
- SENGAL maybe
4. handphone ape yang korang pakai sekarang ?? *nyatakan semua*
- nokia x2
5. gadget ape yang korang idam2kan sampai tak boLeh nak tido maLam ??
- lappy sebijik, senang nak update blogJ
6. termasuk yang sekarang nie, dah berapa kaLi korang bercinta ??
- 20 or more maybe, but im not a hooker
7. warna faveret korang ??
- orange op coz
8. korang masih bujang, dah kahwin atau bujang semuLa ??
- undefined
9. perkara paLing PELIK jadi daLam hidup korang ??
- there once a time when a black african man, approach me and wanted my phone number…ewwwwww!! Takut!! Im not racists, don’t judge me
10. benda yang paLing korang sayang ??
- = ='
11. kaLau CTZURAIRAH ada depan mata, ape benda korang nak cakap kat CTZURAIRAH ??
- PENDING tol r!!!
And so, this is my question to you:)
1. Korang penah tak kentut kat public??
2. What is your favorite fairytale story??
3. Have you ever kissed before??
4. Pernah ada kekasih?? If ada pernah ta curang??
5. Have you ever go on a blind date?
6. Selalu berangan pasal apa?
7. What do you do if your parents are getting a divorce?
8. Pet idaman korang?
9. What is the thing that you cant live without???
10. Percaya ta pada sihir and ilmu hitam??
11. Kalau ucuk ada depan mata, apa korang buat???