this thing realLy hapPen 2 mE^^ >>>
love make me be more childish <sangat2 manja>. sometimes it can turn the world up side down... sekejap rasa M.A.R.A.H, H.A.P.P.Y, S.E.D.I.H, S.E.N.S.I.T.I.F & M.O.O.D.Y...
but reality, member aQ cakap aQ b0d0h a.k.a S.T.U.P.I.D...WHY??? >>>
as you all know, aQ now tengah diet...W.H.A.T???? O.M.G!!!! is this T.R.U.E???
>>> yup...until now da 4 hari aQ touch food,except 4 wholemeal bread<ctzurairah pakse makan:p>...
orang cakap extreme diet. but what do i care???
nak jadikan cerita one day i woke up, dengan kepala yang sangat berat <biasa la, budak UNI.. banyak aktiviti & projek laaaa> B.L.U.E.E.E.K.K.K >>> hehehe~ muntah daaa...
nasib la on diet from consumption food, kalau tak....sah2 bilik aQ berbau. and then temperature mula la naik...
seriously, aQ beruntung coz ada member yang sangat prihatin & menyayangi aQ. but however, still i do love ******^^. aQ buat semua ni demi dia. kira sayang tahap you jump i jump ke??? >>> that question i can't answer...
member aQ <adik cyunk> buat conclusion >>> your not stupid for love, your stupid because you want to be stupid...YEEEEOUCHHHH.....
so in conclusion, thats mean im just plain stupid...kui3~
so...macam mana pon aQ tetap memperjuangkan D.I.E.T ini. hopefully i can get my 65 kg weight...please doa kan aQ berjaya dalam perjuangan ini:)
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this is me:) |
jgn mcm dlu sudaa.. taa mkn lngsg.. aperaaa...aku ingt lg,,ko mkn kopok je yg kte pi beli at kdi pkck bwh.hahak.
ReplyDeletemknmkn slgi blh mkn..---romate ko dlu2.--
yolah mk cik iqa...
ReplyDeleteney cm dlu la tyunk...
aQ nk krus cm mariah carey^^