
Monday, June 20, 2011

hari bahGie wat baBy aQ:)

            Tanggal 19/06/2011 merupakan hari paling berbahgia buat baby ucuk yang tercinta, si 'upy'. This is because ucuk telah beli kan dia girl-girl. And now my baby da ada buah hati baru, hope 'upy' akan bahgia bersama 'momo'  Jangan gaduh-gaduh, mama ucuk always love her babies.. muaxsS:)

first time jumpa da main jeling-jeling
upy & momo love story:)
bila mata bertemu mata:)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

an actoR

live is like a theater, life is like a show...

i can put on a thousand acts, and i can put on a thousand masks...

u cant see the real me, cause im too good at what i do...

Friday, June 17, 2011

don't let it happen to y0u

            Ye, semua orang kat dunia ni ada masalah. stress and tension, tu lah yang selalu keluar dari mulut kita-kita bila ada masalah. But seriously, you all tahu tak "stress" to apa?? So, if you all nak tahu boleh klik kat link ni "stress in biological term".

            Why tiba-tiba, ucuk nak berleter pasal pekara ni?? Well as i was saying, semua orang ada masalah. tak kisah lah kecil or besar. Pekara ni bukan main-main, its a big deal. Tak terkecuali diri ucuk sendiri, when ada masalah selalunya ucuk akan simpan <bahaya ni you all>. Dengan harapan esok bila ucuk bangun, 'I will start a fresh', realitinya hidup tak semudah itu.

if you "stress", you need help

             My besties selalu nasihatkan ucuk supaya story-mory dengan diaorang, to me some story are best to tell while others are meant to kept. As they were saying dengan sikap ucuk yang suka mendiamkan masalah, lama-lama masalah tu akan bertimbun <what am i saying? sucks at philosophy>.

              Whatever.. Straight the point, ucuk selalu teserempak dengan artikel "stress",  usually i neglected the artikel. Yeah, because as a human, ucuk tak suka orang tengok ucuk macam budak bermasalah. "stress" and "depression"?? Hello ... people sees me as a happy person, gila-gila gitu, picture perfect family. tapi realiti my life is bezerk <padan muka!!!> Semenjak balik ke jB ucuk mula sakit-sakit, muscle pain, dizziness, tekak sentiase loya, mood swings teruk, dada pon sakit. At first ucuk ingat nak kena serang lelah balik. But with the fact that i have to go through every day like living in hell. Ucuk decides untuk tanya DR.GOOGLE. And yes, im suffering from stress < malu seyh dengan kenyataan ni>

ni result ucuk dari stress level test

               Banyak kali juga ucuk fikir nak buat entry ni ke tak. Malu juga sebenarnya. Tapi, hopefully dengan entry ni and link-link yang ucuk sertakan dapat membantu you all, kalau tak banyak, sikit pon syukur alhamdulillah. Oh, ni link-link yang boleh help if you all ada Q >> .stress management for healthstress cause throw upwhat stress do to you body. And this link boleh test stress level you all >> 

               Last shout out, ucuk nak mintak maaf if ada menyakitkan mana-mana pihak. Ucuk mohon agar semua support ucuk, because 

"I can't do this alone, i'm all out right now"

ada same tak mata kami?


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

yesSs....sayE saye bUkan budak baik...s0???

             if you all tanya ucuk ney budak baik or hampeh. let me answer your Q...ucuk seorang budak yang sangat EVIL!!! hahaha~

'bukan masa yang mematang kan ucuk, tapi keadaan'

             you want to know about me??? alright. ucuk akan berterus terang dengat telus nya. saya budak jahat + evil + gedix sikit pon ada. but if you want to cakap ucuk ney baik....pujian di terima^^. kenapa ucuk cakap ucuk jahat??? firstly, nak menuanaikan kewajiban pon liat, tak on time<da tua pon ada lobang-lobang> kewajiban dah hampeh, apatah lagi yang harem je lah kan???

              bab tutup aurat pula, asal boleh je kan??? yang kenal ucuk mesti dalam hati 'memang pon'. hobi ucuk is mencapap and menggedix, kekadang suka gedegang <law tak paham guna lah google translate> mulut yang memang laser tahap laser ultraman pon mengajeng @ mengalan, memang tu lah kehebatan ucuk. peranan muka lagi satu...yang kenal ucuk je yang paham <memang nak mintak penampar> hahaha~

              ucuk sangat suka prank orang, pantang di cabar. because ucuk akan buat <if releven dengan akal ucuk lah> sangat suka mencuba benda baru selagi tak menyusahkan orang, mama ucuk and diri sendiri. bagi ucuk kena mencuba baru dapat menjiwai. ucuk spesis yang dengan semua orang ucuk boleh kawan, tapi tak semua kawan ucuk percaya and jadikan teman <mintak maap rakan-rakan>

               if you all talks about love life, ni lah paling ucuk lemah. ya saya cepat jatuh cinta, selalunya susah nak setia <wahhaaa...sorry-sorry> TAPI ucuk spesis penyayang lah juga, you have to make me fall in love in every ways <demand gila perempuan ni>. and buat masa sekarang, saya masih belajar untuk setia <sangat susah> pape, sila beri tnjuk ajar:)


Monday, June 13, 2011

describEs mE

Im standing on the bridge
Im waiting on the dark
I thought that you'd be here
by now
Ther's nothing but the rain
no foot steps on the ground
Im listening but ther's
no sound

Isn't anyone trying to find me
Won't somebody come take me home

it's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I
Im with you
Im with you

Im looking for a place
Im sarching for a face
Is anybody here
I know

Cause nothing's going right
And everything's a mess
And no one likes to be

Isn't anyone trying to find me
Won't somebody come take me home

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
But I
Im with you
Im with you


Why is every thing so confusing?
Maybe Im just out of my mind

Yeah yeah yeah...

It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't Know Who You are
But I
Im with you
Im with you
Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't Know Who You are
But I
Im with you
Im with you

Take me by the hand
Take me somewhere new
I don't Know Who You are
But I
Im with you
Im with you

Sunday, June 12, 2011

yestErday, t0day & t0morr0w

            life is pathetic, thats what i always said.. is it because i made it pathetic?? or is it really that pathetic?? i am almost 20, but my life still empty. i have been through long journey and learn many things. life is a cruel game, that what i have learn through out my experience.

            bila dengan member-member, i laugh, i played, i do many exiting things. but when im alone, i cried and i started to think, why did i turn up this way? why should it supposed to be me going through all of this? is it fate? or did i choose it to be this way? did i made it difficult? or its god will?

            dah lame ucuk jauh dari ALLAH, is it terlewat untuk ucuk mula semula? i made a lot mistakes in my life, from the mistakes i have learn life is not a fairy tale. and even ucuk mula semula, ta terlewat ke? law nak berubah pon, betol ke ucuk nekad? or stakat suam-suam kuku. sanggup ke ucuk melepaskan semuanya?