
Thursday, August 18, 2011

1 malaySia beb!! shUks~

Actually i hate to write about this entry, but it's got me going. Yelah after what happen yesterday, ucuk dah tak tahan. Please open your eyes wide and make your brain clear okey people???

             After reading the tittle, mesti ada some of you, "OMG!! This girl is into politics". First of all, I'm an Economic student, so Introduction to Politics is compulsory in UM(bummer). This entry is not majority about politics, so don't worry to those people who always put kat FB mereka "I'm not into politics or tak minat".

             A case after another, read the papers people. Kami nak kan hak seperti orang melayu?? Paderi menolong orang miskin islam?? Bantuan dari gereja?? Saya murtad kerana desakan hidup?? What's going on with Malaysia?? and now kes kat Penang. good example, sekarang nak jadi macam Singapore(and all of us know Singapore is one of the most country yang kuat Israel, not being judgmental). Dah la amik tag line Singapore yang lama 1Singapore/1Malaysia. can't be more obvious(duhhhh!!). Okey I'm not talking about Singapore, this is Malaysia people. Sangat marah(cool down ucuk).

              I'm not even talking about job application now days, especially in Johor Bahru(this is because i live here, tataw la tempat lain). Sekarang even for part timers, cop! cop! cop! Ni shout out for those who called me lazy and no nothing! Eh!! Siapa nak kerja if everytime you walk into an interview and they give you lousy terms & condition. Some example that I usually gets :

1. ip not where your tudung can onot? can work here but don wear that aaa...
2. not go to pray can? ip not deduct pay, kira mase rehat laaaa
3. know to speak mandarin?? kite amik olang pandai cakap cina.
4. sorry miss, we only applying Chinese girls. 
5. Adik, adik cari kerja kat tempat lain la. sini tokey cina. Pilh kasih laaa..

This is what i have got to go through in each interview, 1-4 is usually reasons that is given by Chinese manager. But number 5, tu yang buat ucuk panas hati beb! Orang melayu tu cakap macam tu! Kerek nak mampus!! At least bagi la borang kerja kosong, lepas ucuk dah isi buang lah. Dah lah kat depan bakery tu tulis sebesar-besar job vacancy, when i ask is there kerja kosong?? kau boleh pula jawab tanya lah kat kedai sebelah, tak pon kedai depan ni dik. Berasap kepala otak aQ ney der!! Ikut kan hati memang nak terajang kau laju-laju. Nak apply for kerja yang kaitan dengan account pun susah, if bukan pasal know Mandarin, of course lah for Chinese only, ta pon 2 years of experience(alassan ini diterima). Buat bazir je sijil LCCI ucuk tu, baik buat bungkus belacan, ta pon sampul nasi lemak.

             Now, let's talk about yesterday yang membuat ucuk tetiba panas hati. My sister baru-baru ni dapat job under Singapore company yang BERTAPAK DI MALAYSIA!! Her job is to sell credits cads to Singaporean, sound easy?? Think again, kenapa bila melibat kan business, accounts or economy orang mesti cakap easy courses(out of the topic). And yesterday, the INDIAN manager told the employees yang selagi you all ta dapat 3 sale, selagi tu jangan mimpi nak balik. Seriously, everyday my sister have to get her butt out of the office 6 p.m. and its Ramadhan. Hello?? 6 p.m?? Bazaar?? Jammed?? Can't you think or your brains dosen't work?? Have a heart, bukan senang ta makan pape from dawn till sun break(istighfar sebentar, ta baik mengeluh). At least respect la other religion, ingat senang ke nak buat sale, kalau orang tanak takan nak paksa...."please buy my credit cards sir, fikir la!!"(be professional ucuk, relax). A job still a job, but be considerate.

             So. who's to blame here?? In my diction everybody is to blame. I'm not being races-ism or religion-ism, but common from the smallest thing and now to the biggest thing. After that orang melayu pula yang jadi pendatang??  common orang Melayu, thats why Dr. Mahathir pernah cakap Melayu mudah lupa(by the way Dr. Mahathir is not a Malay) and some people label that Melayu takan maju(and it's true). Melayu suka cerita kedai kopi, much talking no working(including me, I THINK!!, surely i love coffee). Ni lah 1 Malaysia kan?? Other race are fighting for their own race, and Malays?? Kita sibuk jatuhkan sesama sendiri, bomoh la, jin la, khalwat la, jaga tepi kain orang la. There are many things to think about rather than something stupid.


  1. nice entry beb!
    it's a reality now in Msia.
    kita ni mcm dh kena pijak dgn bangsa lain.

  2. thanx...
    bukan aQ nk jd race-ism..
    but realiti check...
    org india ade negare cina ade negare cina...mat bangla & indon pon ade negare sndri..
    kite melayu ade ape sgt??
